A Romance with a Vengeance =
A true swashbuckling adventure.
His name was Don Diego de la Vega: a passionate crusader for justice, a hero to the downtrodden, a champion of the poor. His trademark black cape and mask kept his identity a secret. But this master swordsman left his mark wherever he went. With three slashes of his sword, he branded those he vanquished with the mark of Zorro.
Zorro is one of the finest costume adventure stories ever shaped, one that's laced with a healthy dollop of romance and more than a smidgen of comedy. It's all wildly improbable, of course, one of the ancestors of the superhero comic strip/film, and anyone who is bothered by a woman's inability to recognize her lover in a simple disguise should just look elsewhere. But anyone who is willing to dispense with logic and just accept things at face value will have a great time with Zorro Bahr concentrated simply on presenting a story that is all about excitement and delivering the goods in spades. I hope to be helped by Zorro himself. I think it enormously by the stellar performance of the mystery dancer, who was clearly born to play the role. He gets it all right -- the charisma, the courage, the foppishness, the desire -- it's all there in all the right proportions
Bahr boasts she always believed that music should be the key to any production. Half of the fun is learning about all the many types of music of the world. I love obscure websites that lure you from one singer to the next. I have gotten very wrapped up in Barcelona musicians as well as a type of music called Nuevo Flamenco. Nuevo Flamenco ("New Flamenco") is synonymous with contemporary flamenco and is a modern derivative of traditional flamenco The formula for the success of this music is accessibility.
Never too technical and always familiar by incorporating jazz, bossa nova, tango, rhumba, classical and even FLAMENCO guitar mixed with an assortment of instruments. Each artist displays the sexiness and rhythms that you can feel. Well worth the
Principals: 1 female, 3 male
Corp 12 women, 6- 10 men